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Experience, Learn, Discover.

Would you like to be a part of our team?


To join follow these easy steps:

Undergraduate students: Undergraduate students at the University of Michigan can join the Berridge lab for a semester of academic credit. The best way to apply is to complete this APPLICATION. Students join either through the Laboratory in Biopsychology course (Psych 331) or as an independent laboratory course in Psychology as a natural science (Psych 326 or 426), or as an Honors thesis. For Psych 331, an application form can also be obtained from the Psychology Student Affairs Office (1st floor, East Hall). For Psych 326, 331 or Honors projects, it is necessary to apply and receive an override from Professor Berridge before trying to enroll.

Graduate students: Most graduate students join the Berridge biopsychology laboratory through the Biopsychology Ph.D. Program* in the Department of Psychology. It is also possible to join though the interdisciplinary Neuroscience Ph.D. Program administered through the Medical School (PIBS program).  


*Since 2005, Michigan Biopsychology has been regularly ranked between # 1 and #3 programs in Behavioral Neuroscience in United States by US News & World Report !

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